MISmoke-Free Apartment

Myths Revealed


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Tenant Demographics

Think you might lose out on tenants and rent income if you go smoke-free? Think again:

Less than 25% of adults in Michigan smoke. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 2002)
26% of Michigan residents live in rental housing units. (U.S. Census, 2000)
2,500 people in Michigan die each year from secondhand smoke-caused illnesses. Thousands more suffer from diseases and chronic illnesses caused or exacerbated by secondhand smoke. (Michigan Department of Community Health, 2004)
Renters in the Madison, Wisconsin area were so desirous of smoke-free apartments that the Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin made this a priority, including creating a smoke-free apartment listing on their web site. Read a news report about this. The site is now operated by Tobacco Free Dane County. View our new Michigan Smoke-Free Apartment Listing and consider listing your smoke-free apartment(s).
A recent random sample survey of 160 Minneapolis/St. Paul renters found that 55% said they have moved or would move from an apartment because of secondhand smoke seepage. No one said they would move because of smoke-free air in the apartment.
A 2001 random sample poll conducted by the nationally-respected Field Research Corporation surveyed 1,800 California residents and found that over 63% agreed that apartment complexes should require that at least 50% of their rental units should be smoke-free.
The above opinion surveys and others demonstrate that a significant majority of tenants support smoke-free apartment policies.